New Worskshop coming soon...
New Worskshop coming soon...

Then the Lord will create above every dwelling place of Mount Zion, and above her assemblies, a cloud and smoke by day and the shining of a flaming fire by night. For over all the glory there will be a covering. And there will be a tabernacle for shade in the daytime from the heat, for a place of refuge, and for a shelter from storm and rain.
Isaiah 4:5-6
The New Covenant begins in your home.
The Eternal Priesthood
The children of God were never meant to be an exclusive club. It was meant to be a priesthood, shining the light of God’s goodness to the 4 corners of the earth and feeding the inhabitants of the earth with both spiritual and physical food. It is reiterated of the Church that we are meant to be a "Kingdom of Priests, a Holy generation.”
Ezra was responsible for leading the charge of both building the Temple and the walls surrounding Jerusalem. Just like the Hebrews coming out of captivity, we too find ourselves in a generation without walls or borders.
Proverbs 25:28
A man without self-control is like a city broken into and left without walls.
Generations have passed, and because of lawlessness, the spiritual home has been left destroyed and unenlightened as the nuclear family has melted away. This is a study on ending generation cycles that disrupt the peace and presence of the Holy Spirit that should be found in all the homes of those who call Yeshua their High Priest.
Come along with us as we delve into the priesthood and find long lost truths, giving us timeless patterns with which to rule our homes as kings, queens, and priests of the New Covenant. The call is going out far and wide to ANY who will hear and answer! Here are our 4 steps to being the priest of your home and taking dominion of the earth, a job that our Father gave us and that our Messiah claimed back for mankind.
Join us for The Ezra Project where we define and apply what it means to be the priest of your very own temple, your home.
The 4 Steps to Becoming the Priest of Your Home
1. Planting your House
Creating the Garden of Eden with your spouse as an equal heir; raising up children in righteousness and Justice. What does is mean to be an heir of Yeshua, and what is our responsibility as heirs? This lesson entails building up a sanctuary, founded in Scripture, to lead and guide your homes.
2. Cleansing your Temple
According to the Scriptures, your body, mind and home are synonymous. It is up to the leaders of the home to identify any and all uncleanness in action or thought. Answer the call to cleanse your home because the Holy Spirit wants to enter and bring shalom to your household and temple.
3. Warfare
In modern thought, spiritual warfare is defined by prayer, but no action. Biblical warfare begins with prayer, but entails every action taken in opposition to the strongholds of the enemy. There are practical actions we should and must take to strengthen and bring peace to our temples. The Scriptures give us a pattern and a guide for every possible conflict we could ever endure, from both within, and from outside your home. Each conflict is a lesson and a chance to claim your inheritance! All attacks you receive are in opposition to the function and gifts of your household.
4. The Key of David
The Key of David, using the hidden meanings found in the Hebrew texts to extract relevant instruction for each trial or decision you may be facing. Overcoming trauma and tuning your harp to turn the pain into worship.